Due to the quarintine, I’ve been stuck in the house more. I’ve also had a bit more time to try to experiment with the embedded boards that I have. (See the picture below.)

From the left to the right: WIO node (gift from IBM at OracleCode), NanoPI air, ESP32-WROOM, and a RISCV HiFive1 Rev3 (Still haven't booteded it)From the left to the right: WIO node (gift from IBM at OracleCode), NanoPI air, ESP32-WROOM, and a RISCV HiFive1 Rev3 (Still haven’t booteded it)

I identified the ESP32 boards that I bought off of Aliexpress as the ExpressIF ones. (ESP32-WROOM). Followed the instructions from: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/get-started/index.html#get-started-get-esp-idf

The result is the first response in this project:

It’s late, but that’s not a bad first attempt. From the hello world source it looks like a fairly straight forward C application. (This is going to take some refreshing, but I love the lean-ness)

What do I hope to accomplish with this? I hope to learn more about the ESP32 embedded systems and I hope to create 2 devices that will go on my HomeAssistant network. One for air quality monitoring, and another for humidity and temperature monitoring (DH11 device). Also I have a few extras for the device (like an e-ink screen that’ll be pretty cool to play arround with)